Thursday, June 23, 2011

Central Markets

Day 222 by Road2Chaos2
Day 222, a photo by Road2Chaos2 on Flickr.

This morning we took Daddy into the city. We bought a double umbrella stroller off of ebay, and we were meeting the lady in the city, right opposite Simon's work. So we figured we may as well all go in, and have lunch together before Si started work. It was really nice, we really should do it more often. We went to the Central Markets, and the boys, Kason especially, loved looking at all of the different things. It's a pretty amazing place for an adult, I wonder what the boys are thinking - all the fresh fruit and veges, the lolly shops, the bakers and butchers, the cheese shops...just so many colours and smells for them :-)

Kason, Cohen and I got home just in time for them to have lunch before our CYH nurse came - the boys are only 10g different in weight at the moment! That's the closest they have ever been.

Today's picture is of Mr. Mischief, aka Kason. He has taken to climbing into everything.


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