Tuesday, January 7, 2014

New Year, Big Changes

A few months ago, I wouldn't have been able to predict the changes that are going on here right now. Simon and I split up in November, and since then, Kason, Cohen and I have spent two weeks on the Gold Coast in Queensland, had a visit from my Mum, and now we're getting things sorted for our move back to New Zealand early in February! We'll be moving in with my parents in Hamilton until we get ourselves sorted and find somewhere to live :)

It's not an easy time, but the boys are coping remarkably well. They have been overly clingy, especially when we were with my brothers and their families on the Gold Coast for Christmas. They aren't so clingy now that we're home, but Cohen has woken during the night a twice in the last week scared that he has lost me :( Breaks my heart :-(

But! We had a great Christmas, they boys had a blast playing with their cousins, swimming in the pool, going to Dreamworld and just having a break from things.

While I know that 2014 won't be the easier year, the three of us have a lot to look forward to - starting with seeing my oldest brother for the first time in almost five years, the boys meeting their pirate uncle, watching my little brother get married and spending more time with our family and friends :)


1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura, I'm so sorry to hear you and the boys have been going through such a hard time. At least you are all still smiling. I hope things will get better this year.
