Everything is ticking along here. Had an Obstetrician appointment at the specialist clinic at the hospital this morning. He was very happy with how things are going, and he even did a quick ultrasound on the babies to check their heartbeats - so that was an added bonus!
We also have fortnightly scans booked in with the radiology department, starting two weeks from now, until I'm 32 weeks - in May. It will be great to be able to see the boys every two weeks :-)
The Husband's job is going well, and he is really enjoying it. Last week was all training, and at strange times, this week I think it's mostly training with a little bit of teaching and he's there 1-10pm every day during the week. It's gonna be lonely here in the evenings, especially with no TV to keep me occupied but our belongings should be arriving in the next couple of weeks, so I'll have those to sort out, plus my NEW sewing maching to play with (I need our bar stools to sit on!). At least it means I should get the blankets I'm knitting for the boys finished pretty quickly. I've almost finished one, and I'm looking forward to getting onto the blue one...kinda getting tired of looking at green wool!
I'm planning on spending a day in the city this week, just having a look around while The Husband is at work. Have to keep an eye on the temperatures though because I really don't want to be in the city on a ridiculousy hot day...like it's supposed to be later in the week! I'm also hoping to get down to join the library so I can borrow some books! I've just finished the second (of two) book on twins we bought before we came over and I would usually just reread one of my old books, but they aren't here yet!
That's about all from here for now I think!